today is 16 may 2012, meaning that today is my mom and father day, they had been in teaching for some time and now still the one who is been there. heheh, selamat hari guru mama and not to forgotten my dad also, lpas nie cube2lah berusaha menjadi guru yang berdedikasi and the best one, mama and abah adalah guru yang terbaik dalam mengajar kami adik beradik.... heheh,

~dgn harapan, mintak2lah aku xpyh jadi guru dah~
~still bad fever with selesema~


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Sportsman's Prayer

"Oh God, please help me to win for I always want to win. But if in thy inscrutable wisdom Thou willest me not to win, then make me a good loser. For when the one great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."

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berjalan dan melihat, actually it is nothing. it is life.


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