there is a story of a friend who really care and appreciates a friend. until the day he die, he,will serve for friend and only for friend he will die. this is not a story of a man with rifles waiting to die in a dessert. it is about the sacrifice and willing to do anything or everything to ensure that a friend is always in happiness. every time a friend fall down, he will be the one who ask the friend to stand again. every single time the friend cry, he will be the one who always be the one who lend his shoulder. he never hope anything, just the happiness to a friend.

the little angle come and said that i was living in a dream that this would never happen, i know that it will happen. i never will say that i will get it true but i will go trough it no matter how. a friend will always care about his friend no matter how and why, just because a friend. and a friend would always forget about their friend just because its just a friend. all those things make a friend being more stronger to say that, i will care of you, friend.

 sometimes, we always will say that they just friend, nothing special and nothing different between them without considering that each of friend care about their friend and they will never be the same to each friend to a friend and appreciate a friend before you lose a friend.


dulu,i had a fren.alwz sharing2. but now, when he had other frenz with him..he gone. when he got a problem, then he muncul. ttba dtg tnya helo. so, ini d'kira kawan or someone yg kita kna buang jauh2?

menjadi insan yang sebaiknya adalah menjadi seseorang yang sentiasa ada untuk orang lain, tapi perlu diingatkan juga, hati kita harus dijaga. jangan bazirkan air mata untuk manusia kerana menangis untuk dosa sendiri lebih mulia air mata itu... renung2kan...

;)nice answ. well,sometimes its hurt. 'hati', sush nak d'jga when someone tu t'lalu manis mulut ngan kita.we just a human kan?

yeah, its being nice when everything in love, just admit that it is love... nevermind coz we also never realised a thing before we lost it, we just human rite???

'ssah nak caye org yg skrg.
btw, thx again 4 ur anw. ;)
we just human...haha

then beleive in yourself first.. oke.

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Sportsman's Prayer

"Oh God, please help me to win for I always want to win. But if in thy inscrutable wisdom Thou willest me not to win, then make me a good loser. For when the one great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."

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berjalan dan melihat, actually it is nothing. it is life.


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