but, i know HIS love, is BETTER ever....

aku hambaNYA yang bnyk buat salah, jgn biarkan aku hidup dlm keadaan berdosa, dosaku sudah menggunung tinggi, jgn ditambah lagi....

tapi, xpe, aku faham, setiap org punya pendirian masing2, thanx.... but juz the only i wanna say that...,
you are one in the million....

xpelah, kita biarkan saja ombak membawa rindu ini pergi dalam angin yg bertiup. ALLAH mengetahui yg terbaik untuk aku di hadapan mahupun di belakang aku, aku terima takdirMU..


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Sportsman's Prayer

"Oh God, please help me to win for I always want to win. But if in thy inscrutable wisdom Thou willest me not to win, then make me a good loser. For when the one great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."

about mr.thinker

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berjalan dan melihat, actually it is nothing. it is life.


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